
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Miniseries: Episode 6 – Season conclusion: Tim & Steve
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
This is the final episode of our miniseries on Open and Relational Theology. Tim and I wrap up our thinking following all of the conversations with our guests and take aim at some of what we hope the future holds for us.
It is also our book giveaway episode. Thomas Jay Oord, of the Center for Open and Relational Theology, was kind enough to send us some copies of his new book to giveaway to some fortunate listeners.
Thank you for listening, we look forward to hearing from you.
Apologies for one or two poor patches of audio in this episode.
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Saturday Dec 18, 2021
Miniseries: Episode 5 – Robert D Cornwall
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
In this week’s episode we squeeze in one final guest to our exploration of Open and Relational Theology. Tim stumbled across an article Bob had written and so we decided to extend the series and include our conversation with him. Bob has also published a number of books, some of which he speaks to in this conversation. You can find his work here if you would like to dig further into his thinking.
Next week will be our season conclusion, with an exciting extra thrown in! So look out for that.
Thank you for listening, we look forward to hearing from you.
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Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Bonus: Tim‘s Facebook post
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
This is a bonus episode we're squeezing in between conversations with our miniseries guests. It arises from a Facebook post Tim wrote (link) about healing and how we follow the Kingdom of Jesus behaviour to go in an ambassadorial way into the world to do as Jesus did/does.
It is a stand alone conversation, though in many ways it connects deeply with so much of our thinking and conversing over the past year.
At the root is a desire to take seriously the God who speaks and acts in this world, and draw near to that God, to self and to others in a way that acknowledges the living presence and desire of this alive God.
We'd love to hear from you in response. Drop us a message or email so we can connect.
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Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Miniseries: Episode 4 - TC Moore
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
TC Moore joins us this week on the podcast for a conversation about Open and Relational Theology. Of course, we start by digging into his life story and first experiences of God – and it’s a fascinating story.
We also spend some time looking into TC’s ROSE acronym which he offers in contradistinction to John Calvin’s 5 points of Calvinism – most often referred to by the TULIP acronym. You can access the Youtube link here to a longer and deeper dive into TC’s work on Open and Relational Theology.
We’re so grateful to TC and our other two guests, Delvyn and Rory, for joining us on this miniseries. Next week will be the last episode in this series as Tim and Steve wrap up and reflect on the guests and the three conversations.
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Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Miniseries: Episode 3 - Rory Randall
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Rory Randall from the Center for Open and Relational Theology joins us in conversation on this week's episode of the podcast. Rory has published a book recently entitled, "An Open Theist Renewal Theology: God's Love, the Spirit's power, and Human Freedom". We asked Rory to share some handles with which to understand this emerging theology. As usual though the theory is woven into the backdrop of life story, and so Rory shares his first experiences of God within the telling of his life story. Towards the end of the episode we return to the question of how we experience God and what it means to 'practice the presence of God'.
We hope you enjoy this conversation. We'd love to hear from you in response to any of our conversations or topics.
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Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Miniseries: Episode 2 - Delvyn Case
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
In this first episode of the miniseries, Delvyn Case joins us in conversation on his first experiences of God, his work and ministry in ecumenical spaces.
Delvyn has written on Open and Relational Theology for the ORT Center, and his story of process and deconstruction brings nuance to the impulse to look for a new theological framework within which to move and breathe more freely. For this reason we thought we’d include our conversation with him as the first episode of this series.
Del is a musician, educator, writer, scholar and speaker. You can head across to his website to connect with some of his current work, or connect with him on Facebook.
Our next two guests in this series dig into the specifics of Open and Relational Theology, but, again, we explore this from the richness of their own stories.
Next episode drops a week from this one.
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Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Miniseries: Open & Relational Theology - Intro
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
This is a short miniseries between episodes, and so is bonus content to the end of Season 3.
In this intro we look briefly at why we took this tangent into Open and Relational Theology, and how we came across our three wonderful guests.
We hope you enjoy.
Check out our website or Patreon page for more info on how you can support the work of the Urban Mystic
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Friday Sep 17, 2021
S03E16 – Season Finale :)
Friday Sep 17, 2021
Friday Sep 17, 2021
We've loved Season 3 of this podcast and not yet taken breaks between guests to reflect. And, in fairness, given the subject matter we've not been sure how best to do so. Having landed at such an enriching season that really is best left to speak for itself, we're drawing Season 3 to a close with a clear idea of where we'd like to go in Season 4.
Thank you to each and every one of our listeners and to each of our guests for being part of this incredible journey!
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Monday Sep 06, 2021
S03E15 - Greg Farrand - Second Breath
Monday Sep 06, 2021
Monday Sep 06, 2021
Our guest for this week's episode is Greg Farrand, Executive Director of Second Breath. We are privileged to get to know Greg as he shares the story of his early experience of God, the cultivation of a contemplative practice in the context of marriage and ministry, and his evolution toward the broader Christian Wisdom Tradition.
We highly recommend Second Breath's app which is available on Google Play and App Store. The app is for anyone looking to cultivate a great presentness their self, others, cosmos, and God.
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Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
S03E14 - Costa Mitchell
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Costa served as head of the Association of Vineyard Churches South Africa until retirement. Costa is a Leadership Coach, specializing in the development and growth of leaders wherever and whatever they lead, whether business, board, team, department or family.
Costa is the author of Learn to love yourself: Developing a healthy self-image and Giving leadership: Taking others with you on a journey to destiny.
We get to speak to Costa about his experience of God, life journey and ministry, and dive deep into the Vineyard Model of Ministry and the need for a relational theology and spirituality.
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